
George Washington Cause of Death: The Founding Father’s Final Battle

George Washington Cause of Death: The Founding Father’s Final Battle
Written by Samiry Tigger

George Washington, a pivotal figure in American history, served as the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He is celebrated as a founding father and a symbol of American independence.

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Washington was born on February 22, 1732, and passed away on December 14, 1799, at the age of 67.


His career encompassed military leadership in the American Revolutionary War and political leadership as the United States’ first president.

Colonial Military Career

Washington’s military career began in the Virginia militia, where he played a key role in the early stages of the French and Indian War.

Personal Life

Washington was known for his strong character, leadership qualities, and a sense of duty to his country.

Marriage and Civilian Life

He married Martha Custis in 1759, a wealthy widow, which elevated his social standing. Washington managed his plantation, Mount Vernon, in Virginia.

Return to Mount Vernon

After his presidency, Washington returned to Mount Vernon, where he spent his remaining years managing his estate.


His presidency set many precedents in the United States government and laid the foundation for the nation’s administration.

Domestic Issues

His presidency dealt with establishing the new government’s financial system, suppressing the Whiskey Rebellion, and navigating regional differences.

Foreign Affairs

Washington’s foreign policy was marked by neutrality, avoiding entanglements in European conflicts while establishing a stable base for the young nation.


Washington owned slaves, but his views on slavery evolved over his lifetime. He freed his slaves in his will, becoming the only founding father to do so.


Washington maintained significant relationships with various political figures, shaping the early political landscape of the United States.


He was a member of the Anglican Church but is noted for his commitment to religious tolerance.

Awards and Nominations

Washington did not receive awards in the modern sense but earned widespread respect and admiration for his leadership.

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His legacy endures as a symbol of liberty, democracy, and the American spirit.


Washington died on December 14, 1799, from a throat infection.

What was George Washington famous for?

He is famous for leading the Continental Army to victory over the British in the American Revolutionary War and serving as the first President of the United States.

How many kids did George Washington have?

George and Martha Washington had no children together. Martha had two children from her previous marriage.

What are 3 famous quotes from George Washington?
  1. “It is better to be alone than in bad company.”
  2. “The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”
  3. “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”
When did George Washington lose?

Washington faced several military defeats, notably the 1754 Battle of Fort Necessity during the French and Indian War and the 1776 Battle of New York during the Revolutionary War.

Who took over after George Washington died?

John Adams was his successor as President of the United States.

What religion was George Washington?

Washington was an Anglican.

What were George Washington’s last words?

His last words were reportedly, “Tis well.”

What did the founding fathers think of George Washington?

The founding fathers revered Washington for his leadership, character, and dedication to the nation’s founding principles.

How rich was George Washington?

Washington was among the wealthiest presidents, primarily due to his landholdings.

George Washington’s Cause of Death

He died of a throat infection, possibly epiglottitis or acute laryngitis.

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Net Worth

Washington’s net worth was significant, primarily from landholdings, but exact figures are subject to historical interpretation.


George Washington’s life and career left an indelible mark on American history, embodying the ideals of leadership, integrity, and devotion to public service.

FAQs about George Washington
  1. What military strategies did Washington use during the Revolutionary War?
    • Washington employed a combination of traditional and guerrilla tactics.
  2. Did Washington have any formal education?
    • He had a limited formal education, mostly self-taught.
  3. What were Washington’s policies regarding Native Americans?
    • His policies varied, including treaties and military actions.
  4. How did Washington influence the U.S. Constitution?
    • His leadership at the Constitutional Convention was crucial in shaping the document.
  5. What were Washington’s views on political parties?
    • He warned against the divisive effects of political parties in his Farewell Address.

About the author

Samiry Tigger

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